Carlo Heefer

What others have to say about me:

Daniel Huijben:

" Je bent super relaxed en denkt mee. Geeft goede aanwijzingen en komt ook met leuke ideeën die een aanvulling zijn op een liedje "

Rene Keultjes:

" Deze studio voldoet aan alle eisen die een bandrepetitie nodig heeft . Complete backline is aanwezig , inclusief Sonor drumstel,met cymbals.

Ikzelf ben drummer, dan is t wel handig als je je eigen snare en cymbals meeneemt. Maar wat er hangt is nog zeker acceptabel.

Carlo,de eigenaar, is een altijd goedgemutste hardrocker en is vaak er tegenover aanwezig in zijn studio. Hij bezit dus een repetitieruimte en een studio.

De ruimte is prettig. Niet te groot, niet te klein. Gitaristen en keybordspelers hoeven alleen maar in te pluggen.

Microfoons ruim voldoende aanwezig

Nog een bijkomstigheid is dat het makkelijk bereikbaar is , Ruime parkeermogelijkheid.

Op de locatie bevinden zich ook kunstenaars, kapper en fittnesschool.

Zelf repeteer ik er met meerder bands. Van 4 man tot wel 6 of 7 man…

Kortom prettige ruimte, prettige eigenaar, helemaal goed !! Echt n aanrader…" 

  • Name: Carlo Heefer
  • Main instrument: (electric) guitar
  • Bands I've played in: Many, all different kinds of styles, sometimes as a session player, sometimes as a steady member.
  • Favorite bands: Deep purple, Black sabbath, Led zeppelin, early Iron maiden, Thin lizzy, Saxon, but also Death, Atheist, Slayer, Carcass, Meshuggah, Metallica, Metal church, Laaz rockit, Sabbat, Sadus, Autopsy, Pestilence, Anaal natrhrakh, Everything Leif Eidling, Everything Devin Townsend, Ozzy Osbourne.
  • Favorite guitarplayers: John Norum, Michael Shenker, Chuck Schuldiner, Gary Moore, John Sykes, Vivian Campbell, Scott Gorham, Doug Aldritch, Jake E. Lee, Randy Rhoads, Jeff Waters, Paul Gilbert, Slash.
  • Favorite sounds: Meshuggah - obzen, Nevermore - this godless endeavour, Carcass - Necroticism, Alterbridge - Blackbird, Anaal Nathrakh - A new kind of horror, Everything Devin Townsend, Sabbat - History of a time to come, Slayer - Reign in blood, Apocalyptica - Reflections, Death - Human, Exodus - Fabulous Disaster.

How it all started; My 1st musical memory.

From the moment on I heard the intro solo to "speed King" from Deep Purple I was hooked to 2 things;

1. I knew I loved hard Rock music and

2. I knew I wanted to play guitar.

Fast forward; 

Nowadays I love recording music with a fondness for good songwriting and melody. My favorite music to listen to still is oldschool death-/thrashmetal and classic rock, the latter being the soundtrack of my youth. I listen to a lot more kind of music nowadays though, there's so much beautifull songwriting out there......

I also love recording acoustic instruments. I love the purity and the organic sound of strings, flute etc. Mixing this is allways fun and a challenge to keep the instrument sounding as organic as posssible.

During my course at Volver Sound Academy I also discovered I really like to produce pop music. I'm a sucker for catchy chorusses and hooks.

I still love to compose my own music (see "Media") and play guitar. Besides that I really have a lot of fun messing with old pedals, amps and microphones. All with with one goal; to get a great sound for recording. To me it's magical when you chase that tone and in the end you get the sound you expected. Or even better: you get the sound  you didn't expect! Which sometimes is better and more usable! Either way, I love working on music and songwriting, and the engineering part as well. 

If you want to see more of my experiments, have a look at my youtube account on which I post video's of all kind of different gear/production tests.

Do you want to see and hear more of me?

Go to my website 

Carlo Heefer

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